Humaan Papilloma Virus

HPV is the abbreviation for Human Papilloma Virus. This virus is sexually transmitted and highly contagious. So contagious that 80 to 90% of people are infected with HPV at some point in their lives. 

HPV is the abbreviation for Human Papilloma Virus.
This virus is sexually transmitted and highly contagious. So contagious that 80 to 90% of people are infected with HPV at some point in their lives. Fortunately, the body very often clears this virus within two years, but unfortunately not always. If the body does not clear up the virus itself, you can get genital warts but also (pre-stages of) cancer of the cervix, anus, vagina, vulva, mouth and throat.

What symptoms do you have?

Very often you don't notice it yourself, and that's where the danger lies. If you don't know you have it, you don't know that you are contagious to someone else. The virus is transmitted during sex in the broadest sense of the word. So it can be transmitted through vaginal, anal or oral sex but also through skin-to-skin contact during sex.

The first symptoms you can get and what you should therefore look out for are?

Genital warts

Itching or irritating sensation at the vulva, vagina or anus

vulva vagina and cervical cancer and its precursors 

Burning sensation
Pain and abnormalities of the vulva
Wounds to the vulva that do not disappear despite proper treatment

Is more research needed?

Yes definitely more research is needed!
Fortunately, all women between 30 and 60 years of age are preventively examined for HPV once every five years during the population screening for cervical cancer. So participate in that too!

If you experience any of the above symptoms, be sure to visit your doctor. The family doctor can take a smear test to see whether you are infected with the HPV virus.

How can you get rid of it?

By participating in the population screening for cervical cancer, precursors of HPV-related cancers can be detected at an early stage, which usually allows for proper treatment.

What is just as important, however, is prevention.

An HPV infection is preventable by:

Condom use, a condom offers protection against the HPV virus but unfortunately the virus can also be transmitted through the skin of your hands and fingers or through oral sex. So a condom never protects 100%!!!

HPV vaccination, all girls (and from 2022 also boys) can get a vaccine at the age of 9 that protects against getting the HPV virus.
There are three different vaccinations against infection with HPV available. They are around 90% effective against HPV types that the vaccine protects against.

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